Sunday, December 11, 2022

Matthew 27:46-47

Recently, I was thinking about the part in Matthew 27 where Jesus calls out, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" and some in the crowd think that He is calling Elijah.  In the same way that they miss the source of Jesus' words (Psalm 22:1) and don't recognize "Eli" as אֵלִי, the Hebrew word for "my God," they also don't recognize Jesus as the Word of God.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Isaiah 5:7

Since the beginning of October, I've been working through the videos on Jeremiah in the archives of the Daily Dose of Hebrew, trying to catch up to the current weekend editions (in chapter 9).  A couple weeks ago, I watched the video on Jeremiah 2:21, which directed me to Isaiah 5, where I found the same sort of feature that I discovered in Isaiah 13 last month.  Part of verse 7 says, "The men of Judah are his [the LORD's] pleasant planting."  The phrase "pleasant planting" exhibits both alliteration and syllabic balance, and this euphony mirrors the description "pleasant."