Sunday, January 31, 2021

Psalm 121:5

Of course, after I already published a post about Psalm 121, I find something else to write about it.

When the Daily Dose of Hebrew went over verse 5 about two weeks ago, I learned that the word that my Bible translates as "keeper" is actually a participle from the verb שָׁמַר:

A participle is a verbal adjective, and some of the other translations I follow along in side more with the verbal part and simply translate it as a verb.  Latin:  "Dominus custodiet te."  German:  "Der HERR behütet dich."  My French translation, on the other hand, renders it as a noun:  "Le Seigneur, ton gardien," which is the same as the ESV:  "The LORD is your keeper."

I prefer translating this participle as a verb, however, because it more clearly illustrates God's active protection.