Sunday, January 29, 2023

Psalm 140:10

A few weeks ago, a footnote in the Norton Critical Edition of The Canterbury Tales led me to Psalm 140 (although since the citations were keyed to the Vulgate, the reference was actually to Psalm 141).  In any case, I realized a minor point about Psalm 140:10:  "Let burning coals fall upon them!  Let them be cast into fire, into miry pits, no more to rise!"

This verse contains something of a merism.  In the first sentence, the burning coals fall from above, and while the second sentence describes "them be[ing] cast into fire," if the "them" is understood as stationary, it would be as if that fire is coming up to meet them.  Basically, the burning is coming from both above (as coals) and beneath (as fire), and the opposite directions in these descriptions provide a sense of totality.